Jan 4, 2010

I'm finally posting my 1st blog...

Change, the only constant hasn't left me alone too...
This was my pre-TCS venture, one that never ripened...its never late...
Even though it's been nearly a year since i created this blog, today seems to be the day on which its gonna reflect something...

Here goes an old writing of mine, back from good ol' days of July 2003...

Darkness, light or twilight

All the good in the world
and some of the evil,
never seize to behold
the peace we wish for - Within.

Be it in the simple noiselessness,

the small candy from the corner shop,
a hug, a touch or just some time...
Its never there when required - Most.

Who among us would make bold,
presume to act therewith,
To pause, still and see
what isn't in whose wishes - Aren't.

Will the world encompass willingly

All that one's mind desires
against all hopes of reality
and a few within the - Realm.

What be the interpretations,

be the asssumptions,
be result of this,
its all about ones' - Mind.

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